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Exclusive Report:
Secrets of The One Percent
Whether you have $100… or $3 million to invest.
This is what you need to do right now.
“This is how the one percent grow rich.”
—Exponential Growth Investor
ATTENTION: The following video is a serious financial warning for those wondering how exactly the 1 percent is making their money. Very soon a significant event is about to take place in America. It will make the 1 percent richer, while the poor and middle class will continue to be squeezed. Please watch with discretion.
Hi, have you ever wondered how the one percent are getting richer?
For years our analysts have scoured newspapers and magazines to figure out why.
Our goal originally was to make money off their strategies. . .
But later it became obvious . . .
People without this information will get poorer . . .
And even with it we might see an armed revolution.
Back in 2010 when our analysts told us to buy Tesla . . .
We were beginning to get a taste for what this revolution meant.
The 2008 crisis had just happened, and no one had faith in anything!
Tesla was $4.12 then…
At the same time Microsoft was selling at $26.85. . .
And Amazon was selling at $175.62 . . .
At that time people were talking about an anti-capitalist war.
Of course, we were just starting . . .
Trying to figure out like everyone else what was going on . . .
But the talking heads on TV and big news sites were telling us to sell . . .
It was all gibberish to us . . .
All people were wanting to talk about was the decline of the American empire . . .
And all the while they were talking about the end of the market…
Looking at the news, we were somewhat surprised.
Rich people were getting richer.
That was at the time of Occupy Wall Street.
In New York some of us went out to the streets to see what was going on . . .
Ordinary people were angry.
The top 1% had more share of the country’s income than they did before the great depression.
And people started to notice what was really happening!
The top 1% owned the most share of income at had ever possessed since the eve of the great depression. . .
People were calling for a war between the haves and have nots.
They said it would be a second gilded age. . .
That time when big families like the Rockefellers, Carnegies, and Vanderbilts got super rich . . .
But the rest of us got poor.
So many of us felt sold out . . .
Some people within our circle gave up on the market . . .
We all knew something was wrong. A new group of super rich was emerging.
At the same time normal people making normal wages were hurting.
Today, those super rich make more money in a week than most people make in their entire career. . .
And they’ve never been richer.
As for normal people…
The flow has been going in the opposite direction.
The cost of living is going up and wages are stagnant.
People are living paycheck to paycheck.
Debts are large too. So large that a $300 expense might send someone into foreclosure.
For those too young to even own a home…
It’s become an impossibility.
25% of American families earning $150,000 a year now depend on the next paycheck just to keep their heads above water.
Think about that.
The great divide between the rich and poor is increasing.
And though this is happening at a lightning speed. . .
Only a handful of people know what’s really going on.
And 9 years later the same thing is happening . . .
Except we’re getting rich off the one percent’s secrets.
Since the time our analysts told us about Microsoft, its gains have gone up 966%…
Amazon’s gains have gone up 1,967%…
And Tesla’s gains have gone up an incredible 65,662%!
Nevertheless, the press and mainstream news media remain baffled . . .
Both the left and right are going crazy . . .and all the government can do is print more money.
But it has nothing to do with where you’re from or what your political conviction is.
America’s great divide isn’t about our government or politics.
This invisible power is much more powerful than any of those things.
You see, unlike the news media or our politicians, we know a lot about what is really going on in America.
And we are using this power to get back.
I can’t reiterate more the power at play here isn’t one that cares where you come from . . .
You can be Joe Dirt for all that matters . . .
Because it’s the only thing that any American can use to become a multimillionaire – or even billionaire.
Even if you’re not interested. Ignoring this power can destroy your wealth faster than you can create it . . .
And by all means we know that it will only grow more powerful.
No one can stop it.
Trust us, we don’t want to scare you.
We’re simply following the clues history has left us.
It’s a logical conclusion, and if you’re worried about the situation, we recommend you listen to this message.
We’ve seen very few people trying to step up and inform others.
It’s one of the reasons we’ve made this presentation.
In it, we’ll show you exactly what’s going on, and include for you three key steps you should take now that you know this information.
It doesn’t matter if you have $100 in savings…
Or $3 million.
You can benefit from what we want to tell you today.
We’ve made it free and by doing so we think we’ll be able to help a lot of folks out.
Why tell people what’s going on?
Simply put, it’s our one big chance to make real money and help people out who know there’s something wrong.
It’s our way to get back at the one percent and financial industry as well.
Yea, we dislike them as much as the next person, but why not use their power to build wealth and help the 99% who are in the dark.
By no means are we turning to the dark side either. We want America to succeed . . .
But we know the only way for the country to succeed is if we as individuals arm ourselves and learn step by step how to build our own wealth.
We think the more people who understand what’s happening the better . . .
Because knowledge is power.
Also the better America will be.
By listening to this video you will be able to take back your power to be free of financial worry.
Once you learn the story, you can also tell others and help them get back their own power so they can overcome the great divide that is happening.
Incredibly, you don’t have to choose a side.
But I’m telling you that the steps shown in the video should be taken immediately . . . because people without financial freedom cannot decide their fate.
Will You Overcome the Great Divide?
The best way to help you understand this power the 1% is using . . .
Which is their greatest secret . . .
Is to hear the story of a man named Jan.
Jan was born in poverty on the wrong side of the world.
Jan worked all his life to get ahead.
At the age of 18, Jan saw the importance of computers. So began to work with them.
He had missed the .com bubble but knew that he could do something.
Developing skills with computers he got a job at Yahoo only to find out he couldn’t progress . . .
Leaving that job he applied to Facebook but was rejected.
That’s when without much money and unemployed, he had a thought while waiting for a taxi.
Why pay so much for a service that was so hard to get?
That’s when Jan came up with an incredible idea that eventually destroyed one of the oldest industries in the urban landscape.
Amazingly, the story you just heard is NOT made up . . .
And happened all while the talking heads touted the End of America.
This is the real story of how Uber single-handedly upended the taxi and rental car industries.
Consequently, the rental and taxi industries crashed while Uber and Lyft dominated.
So what does this story have to do with America’s great divide . . .
It sums up everything. . .
And the most interesting part of this story is that it isn’t a one-off thing either.
Neither is it something that happens once in a while.
This story is repeating itself again and again. . .
And we’re not just talking about how Jan came from nothing . . .
We’re talking about how he created a game-changing innovation that shut down an established industry.
And these game-changing innovations aren’t stopping . . .
You probably know these days that juggernaut industries and businesses are now are under siege from up-start technological innovations. . .
Uber has destroyed the taxi industry, Apple has defeated all phones on the market, and Amazon has destroyed the department store.
Some years back, Amazon introduced Prime . . .
Now big department stores in every downtown in America are closing down.
People are watching Netflix instead of going to the movie theater . . .
And staying in people’s homes with Airbnb instead of booking hotels . . .
The juggernaut music industry has also flipped a switch. . .
Youtube and Spotify and Pandora now quench people’s thirst for new music.
And Google . . .
It’s practically taken over the world.
As for news media outlets they can’t compete . . .
The old model of the newspaper industry no longer works. The professional of journalism barely holds itself together on TV.
Newspaper revenues plummeted between 2008 and 2018. Revenue from advertising fell from $37.8 billion in 2008 to $14.3 billion in 2018, a 62% decline.
But these are just the examples on the surface…
Under the surface, numerous up-start technological innovations are busting through…
New technologies like nanomedicine a type of nanotechnology that’s changing the way we manage severe diseases. Nanomedicine can increase the period that a drug remains active in the body.
What will it do to the pharmaceutical industry?
Similar disruptions are occurring right now in transportation, customer service, finance, and real estate.
The power that’s causing a great divide in America—destroying lives and enhancing others—is technology.
And this power isn’t only changing the economy, it’s changing the way we create and build wealth for good.
It’s bringing massive unemployment and forcing the workforce in established sectors of the economy to fire hundreds of thousands of people . . .
Businesses operated by families…
Businesses that once provided the cornerstone to American wealth…
And businesses that once made up the bulwark of our investments.
At the same time this technological switch is making people super rich.
In one week, according to Forbes, Elon Musk, Dan Gilbert and Jeff Bezos, got $53 billion richer.
At the same time, huge regions of the US are desperate with whole cities looking like slums.
So while some Americans cruise around the world to Dubai, Paris, London and Sydney and put up investments to by $12 million homes. . .
Others can barely pay rent without food stamps and government assistance.
For them, America is a failed dream.
You have to be asleep to be able to believe it.
Because while a small fraction of the population can access whatever they want. . .
Huge riches and multiple homes.
Others who work their whole life have nothing.
And it’s getting much, much worse.
Between ourselves, we call this huge shift in America – the phenomenon that’s pushing us into a dystopian world of have and have nots – the Great Divide 2.0.
The Great Divide 2.0
We call it the Great Divide 2.0 because we’ve already seen this process unfold before.
It happened at the beginning of the 20th century and pushed massive amounts of people and money all over the world.
If your ancestors are Russian, Italian, Greek, Polish, Irish, Scandinavian, or German then you might know what I’m talking about.
During the first Great Divide new technology in trade and industry deemed millions of workers in these countries irrelevant.
For example, there was no need to pay an Italian worker in an arid region $6 for a bushel of wheat when the market price with transportation and new technology changed to $3.
Luckily, a good amount of these workers were able to transcend the divide and get jobs, roles, and stakes in the new economy. . .
A great deal of them even helped transform America into the global power we know.
Unfortunately, the Great Divide 2.0 is not that simple.
It has nothing to do with politics, immigration, or moving massive amounts of people. . .
And its ending does not look so happy for uninformed people . . .
In addition, it will see more have and have nots than the first divide ever did.
And like those who stayed behind in Europe during the first Great Divide, the Great Divide 2.0 could likely end in armed revolution, political struggle, and war.
This is why it’s critical for you and your loved ones to learn about the power the 1% is using to get rich and how it has the potential to help you . . .
Because you simply can’t ignore it.
Let me show you what it is…
Expect More Change Than You’ve Ever Imagined
In the next decade, we will see more change than humanity has seen from the last two centuries.
I wish that statement was an exaggeration, but it’s not.
Life as you know it will change drastically.
The way you work, bank, travel, take care of medical expenses and entertain yourself will look completely different.
Industries that you don’t even know exist yet will come to dominate the market.
Technology will also pick up the pace and old industries will crumble.
And it’s all because of the Exponential Growth of Technology.
It will explain why some companies and investors make billions and why others will falter.
So what is the Exponential Growth of Technology?
Many people know what linear growth is.
Its straightforward . . .
If in 2010 you invested $100 at a linear gain of 10% a year you would have $210 in 2021. Even if you re-invested your gains every year, you would still have only $285.
The exponential growth that is taking place within the Great Divide 2.0 though . . .
It’s a completely different animal.
Instead of growing in a slow-paced fashion, you grow with a power that multiplies at a rapid rate . . .
Investing into Tesla in 2010 as it grew exponentially—which it did at a rate of 656x . . .
You’d have $65,600. . .
If you invested $1000, you’d have a $655,000 profit!
Do you see what this power does?
It creates massive amounts of wealth.
Now there is no way we can be certain a business or technology can do this. But I want to show you why it creates an amazing opportunity.
When things grow exponentially, they compound.
It’s basically linear growth on steroids.
And what you need to know is that this is not just theory.
Exponential growth isn’t a made-up concept and neither is the Exponential Growth of Technology.
It’s something scientists, keen business minds, and entrepreneurs have studied for decades.
It’s happened in the past. And it will happen again. . .
And continue to do so again and again without stop.
It’s called Moore’s Law . . .
And its creator Gordon Moore, a retired engineer and Chairman Emeritus of Intel Corporation used it to obtain a net worth of $12.6 billion.
And that’s chiefly because he discovered one thing . . .
That technology builds off itself. . .
He discovered this in the 1960s when he saw that the transistors on integrated circuits doubled every 18 months.
That meant they doubled in capacity and speed every 18 months.
And following his discovery of the Exponential Growth of Technology, that’s exactly what happened.
Even compared from 30 years ago till today, the transistor processing growth rate is astounding and always in the same pattern!
And the amazing thing . . .
The power of technology increases as cost decreases.
Ever wonder why a $1600 computer can be worth half that in a year . . .
That’s all because of the Exponential Growth of Technology.
In 1971 an HP 3000 sold for $95,000 or $571,791 in today’s money.
IBM’s first portable computer $41,970 in today’s money. . .
The Apple I and II . . .
Respectively $5,389 and $38,105 in today’s money.
Yet today a brand-new computer costs just a few hundred dollars and has capabilities that in 1972 were considered impossible.
That’s the power of the Exponential Growth of Technology.
In other words, computers are exponentially better and better.
And that’s not even the end of it!
The next step we’re getting into is quantum computing . . .
Quantum computers use subatomic particles to make calculations that dwarf the speed of supercomputers . . .
And we haven’t even begun to hit the explosive growth phase . . .
IBM is just releasing the prototypes and already promising 100x faster quantum computing in one year.
The internet followed a similar pattern.
Sadly, though a lot of people just don’t recognize the power of the Exponential Growth of Technology.
That’s because at first it’s small.
Take the example of exponential growth I gave you before. . .
Investing $1000 in Microsoft in 2010 as it grew exponentially at a rate of 9x …
You’d have over $9000 today. . .
Investing $1000 in Amazon you’d have over $19,000 today . . .
And investing $1000 in Tesla, which grew at a rate of 656x
You’d have an incredible gain of $656,000!
That’s huge.
With the money you gain from the linear growth model, you can live on the street for a couple days . . .
With the money you gain from the exponential growth model, you’re halfway to becoming a millionaire.
So how can you recognize the split?
That happens at a time called “lift-off point” when the power of exponential growth begins to speed up in a way that defies linear growth.
This is the “lift-off” point you see below . . .
Since the early ‘70s technology has lowered the cost of doing business . . .
Now just a few people with technical know-how can operate an entire manufacturing plant . . .
And while this has resulted in a few new good jobs, it also wiped-out thousands of stable income jobs.
Imagine the hundreds of workers it once took to operate a plant . . .
They had decent salaries that afforded them a house and a two-car garage!
In short, it’s a massive shift that has caught a whole sector of normal working people off guard.
The advancements in telecommunications, automation, and robotics all make this possible.
Think . . .
Now just a handful of people can operate a small multi-million-dollar business.
This means companies can get smaller and pay less than ever.
And the giant companies?
In 2015 Facebook made $135 billion with a headcount of 16,500 people. . .
That’s while serving 2.85 billion people!
Compare that with Wikipedia a free encyclopedia that destroyed an industry that once employed a massive army of door-to-door salesman . . .
It generated $27 billion with 20,658 people . . .
The rules of setting up a company have involved fewer people and more technology. . .
And the thing is . . .
It’s not going to stop because businesses are getting richer quicker than ever before.
Why Should You Listen to Us?
Because for the past two decades, we’ve had a front-row seat to the amazing technological changes that are now surpassing anything we’ve ever dreamed of.
Back in 2008, we were still in awe of the old system . . .
We were working with hedge funds putting together traditional portfolios and investing in all sorts of value stocks not even understanding the power of exponential growth . . .
Keep in mind, this was when no one cared about the 1 percent or their secrets.
We were just tasked to find the everyday winners . . . companies like the ones Warren Buffet was following.
We thought that was the end game of investing.
Now . . .though . . .
We’ve learned how to take back that wealth the one percent has taken and give it directly back to you!
And it starts with this . . .
As students of change, we came to learn that what the celebrity investors were doing was nonsense. . .
And that by letting ourselves follow the crowd we only were left with three bad options.
The first was to leave our money in the bank and let inflation eat it.
The second was to invest on our own and lose everything like 99% of self-directed investors . . .
Which at best have little gains that make ZERO improvements to our standard of living . . .
And the third while easy was also bad. . .
Take the same losing advice from common stock letters that wasn’t going to help us retire early, or give us the ability to take super cool vacations in places like Dubai, Paris, or Thailand.
You probably know this advice because it’s been dished out for decades.
“Buy and hold stocks and bonds, and you’ll be able to pay for your retirement” . . .
Or “ETFs and mutual funds never lose” . . .
Or “Just save 80% of your income in high yield accounts and live frugally” . . .
What if I told you, you didn’t have to follow any of that stuff though . . .
And that I had something much less complicated. . .
That you could retire from your job, pay off your mortgage if you have one, drive whatever car you like . . .
And take extended holidays every month . . .
All from a vacation home in the Bahamas, a ski lodge in Switzerland, or a an expensive flat in London.
The choice is obvious . . .
Like I said at the beginning of this presentation, it’s the logical conclusion our research points to.
And we know this information because every single analyst on our team has been through it.
And here’s the conclusion . . .
Most self-directed investors buy the wrong stock or buy the right stock at the wrong price, and spend the rest of their time holding the losses and hoping it will go back up . . .
Now, the epiphany was not just this fact . . .
It was the companies we found . . .
The first company we found that did this was Microsoft a prevalent name and company that we all knew.
The second was Tesla, a company founded by one of the greatest minds of our generation…
Before long, though, some of our stock picks were outperforming the market by an unheard of 10-to-1 plus…
That’s over TEN TIMES better than the stock market.
In the financial world, that’s scarce pickings.
Anyone who acted on our analysts’ recommendations and held on over the long term had the chance to see life-changing gains…
As much as 966% gains on Microsoft…
That’s More Than 9X your Money
Or 1,967% gains on Amazon…
More than 19-times your money
And more than 656-fold gains on Tesla…
656x Gains
Now imagine you invested $1,000 in each of these stocks.
With Microsoft, you’d have over $9,000 . . .
And with Amazon, you’d have over $19,000…
With Tesla, you’d have a staggering $656,662!
While it’s unlikely many investors will know how to get these types of stocks at the right time, we wanted to show you what exponential progress looks like when you get in early.
Now, of course, we haven’t only had winners.
Like any other investor we encountered losers here and there, but out of these experiences came our exponential growth mindset.
And out of this mindset came our very own portfolio of budding exponential growth stocks.
And though we know no one wins 100% of the time. . .
We do believe understanding this very powerful force has increased the odds of success of those who’ve followed our portfolio.
And don’t worry, it’s not too late.
There are plenty of companies still approaching the lift-off phase.
In a moment, I’m going to show you our secrets—the 1% percent’s secrets—to uncovering the next Teslas . . . Amazons . . . and Microsofts . . .
These companies are on the launching pad as we speak.
I want to tell you about a few of them, but first…
As I said before, I believe we’re about to enter the fastest, most disruptive period of the Great Divide 2.0 . . .
The next few years could be the greatest period ever to be an Exponential Growth Investor.
There could be more disruption in the next 15 years than in the previous 60 years combined.
With technologies like robotics, AI, 5G, blockchain, automated vehicles, quantum computing, 3D printing, virtual reality-based travel, genomics—the science of DNA healing—and much more . . .
And with that comes a great opportunity, which we will get into in just one minute . . .
Our point . . .though . . .is . . .
The law of Exponential Growth is still happening!
And this is what it looks like…
A lot of small changes in the industries I just mentioned that lift off into an explosive growth period.
We urge you not to miss out on the next opportunity.
What’s happening next
By now, we hope you see how and why you need to transcend the Great Divide 2.0.
You want to back businesses like Tesla, Amazon, and Microsoft that can’t be defeated…
And the new industries following them!
You want to remove businesses with “old” models from your portfolio.
And most importantly…
You want to make sure to have exponential growth working to get you rich.
With what could be one of the most critical money moves you’ll make for the next 15 years in mind . . .
Here are the three key steps you should consider to help ensure you can benefit and come out on the right side of the Great Divide 2.0…
Step #1 – Own the “The Titans of Exponential Growth”
If you want to know anything about what you just learned today then you need only to remember two things . . .
Exponential Growth and Scalability
The typical old company before the Great Divide 2.0 had to invest massive amounts of money in infrastructure.
Inventory, displays, and employees were not optional like today . . .
Today this is all irrelevant to the success of Netflix, Shopify, and Amazon . . .
And now the secret of Netflix, Shopify, and Amazon is available . . .
And it’s making exponential growth in an elite type of company.
Companies deploying software… database technologies…
Streaming movies and other digital assets that can reproduce products and services for everyone, virtually at no cost.
This is all due to the secret word that allows exponential growth to happen. . .
Scalability allows businesses like Microsoft to make software, deliver and sell extra duplicates of it at practically no expense…
Similarly, Netflix uses scalability to take on an extra 5 million subscribers in one financial quarter at almost no cost…
In short, these companies’ profits can rise a lot quicker than costs.
It’s why giants like Google and Amazon can be priced at mind-blowing valuations . . .
Simply understanding this concept can help you overcome the Great Divide 2.0 . . .
And being a part of the massive profits these exponential growth tech stocks make can make you rich.
Again, few people know anything about it yet. . .
Which makes right now the perfect time to stake a claim.
You’ll learn all about every one of these incredible businesses in our investment report, The Titans of Exponential Growth: 3 Must-Own Stocks to BUY.
Chances are, most Americans have never heard of any of these companies, but they all have THREE things in common.
They are revolutionizing the way we use technology . . .
They use scalability . . .
And best of all, they’re tremendously close to the lift-off stage we’ve been telling you about.
They’re poised to make their shareholders incredibly rich in the coming years.
The way we see it, it’s insane to own old business model stocks when there are dozens of companies you can own that are using the power of exponential growth and scalability . . .
And creating hundreds of billions of dollars in wealth at rates that were once thought impossible.
That’s why we want to put this report in your hands today.
But before we show you how to claim your copy, there’s another step you must take to help you profit off the Great Divide 2.0.
Step #2 – Profit From the User Effect
To fully tilt the power of exponential progress in your favor you’ll need to know about another incredible wealth-building phenomenon . . .
It’s a business and communications phenomenon we call the “User effect.”
The user effect occurs when additional users create more value for a product or service, which results in a better network and more profits.
Take the telephone…
In its very early stages, the telephone wasn’t a hugely valuable invention.
That’s because they were few and far between.
If you had one of the early telephones, you couldn’t talk to many other people.
Once more and more people saw the value in telephones, though, telephones became increasingly common.
After a while, you could talk to dozens of people who had phones instead of just two or three people with phones.
What followed was a value-creating paradigm.
The more phones, the more valuable they became.
The more valuable phones became, the more people bought them.
And as more people bought them, the more valuable they became…
And so on.
Think of the iPhone you have today!
This is something we like to call the “Value Paradigm.”
Today Facebook, Uber, and Google are just a couple of the companies using the user effect.
Yet while everyone is talking about these huge successful tech giants, not many people know about the smaller, innovative companies that are using this effect right now.
The next Ubers . . .
The next Googles . . .
The next Facebooks are on the launching pad.
I want to tell you all about three of them in our investor report called, The User Effect: A Paradigm for Wealth-Creation.
One of these companies, for example, is quietly gaining more users at a rate that makes FB look average.
Yet the 99% haven’t heard of this company before…
And we want to send you this report . . .
As well as my report, The Titans of Exponential Growth: 3 Must-Own Stocks to BUY . . .
Here’s why…
Why We’re doing this
By now, we hope you see that there’s probably no bigger, more important force in the world today than the Great Divide 2.0.
As we’ve shown, exponential technological growth is leading to a bigger wealth gap in America than we’ve ever seen.
Unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do to change it.
The only thing we can do is show you what to do to protect yourself from the oncoming folly.
None of our analysts come from lots of money.
Some of us like Jan, the founder of Uber, are from Eastern Europe . . .
Others come from humble roots.
But it doesn’t matter where you are from . . .
The stories we have told you show the incredible power of harnessing the force the 1% has used for decades to stay on top.
It has the power to change destinies. . .
And today that’s why we’ve dedicated our own money and resources to share this information with you.
So far it’s given us a great life . . .
After making seven figures, Alex P. lives in Dubai with his wife and children . . .
Ben Y. likewise . . .
Spends his time between London and the British Virgin Islands.
In short, we’re living our dreams. . .
But we have a bigger mission these days.
And it’s not to help the one percent in America get richer.
There is a serious problem today in America.
The Great Divide 2.0 is happening.
That’s why we’ve spent a lot of time and money bringing this presentation to you.
We are at a tipping point – before this century’s Great Divide, which we called the Great Divide 2.0, makes things too difficult for everyone.
We believe it’s critical for you to understand why such a large divide is happening today in America.
If you’re in a bad situation or a bad job that offers nothing, then watching this presentation and learning the concepts we’ve told you about could drastically improve your life.
That’s why we want to send you two reports on how to survive and thrive during the Great Divide 2.0 . . .
Especially, if –like most people—you feel like the explosive growth phase is over for all companies . . .
Like Tesla at $4.12 . . .
Or Apple at $1.49 . . .
Again, past performance does not indicate future returns and all investments carry risk, but we believe the biggest risk right now is doing nothing at all.
There is still time…
But the timing here is critical.
Imagine . . .
Not only you are here as you read this. . .
But so are the Microsofts, Teslas, and Amazons of tomorrow.
There’s still lots of opportunity to come.
We want you to have access to all the best knowledge and tools to profit off the Great Divide 2.0 in the months to come . . .
Which brings us to the THIRD necessary step we suggest you take today . . .
Step #3 – Become a Master of the Great Divide!
Remember, we’ll see the world change more rapidly over the next couple of decades than any other group before us.
We can’t stress enough why all the developments occurring are so important . . .
But fortune favors the bold . . .
As well as those prepared with the best tools.
The two reports we want to send your way are the necessary FIRST STEP…
Which is why we recommend you keep following all the new changes taking place . . .
And have the opportunity to be the first to take hold of them WHILE THEY HAPPEN.
With the new exponential developments changing our world as they start…
And foremost, new money-making opportunities that could unfold, as the Great Divide 2.0 ramps up . . .
And we know there could be scores . . .
It’s important that you stay connected . . .
To know everything about these unfolding developments . . .
We want you to become a master of the Great Divide.
This is why we want you to be among those receiving my monthly advisory letter where we keep readers informed on everything that’s going on, called Exponential Growth Investor . . .
Every month, in Exponential Growth Investor we’ll show you the latest changes and technological developments happening . . .
We’ll show you how to stay ahead of the game with preparation – and potentially capitalize – on all the incredible growth happening right now.
We can’t stress enough these three points though . . .
#1 we are not just a stock pic newsletter like most other products—we are a model portfolio to follow and reference—and you will know exactly when to buy and when to sell.
#2 we are NOT showing you winning stocks that have already seen the explosive, exponential growth phase . . .
We are in no way recommending this:
#3 we’ll show you some new and incredible opportunities to make money now and as the Great Divide 2.0 kicks into high gear.
Again, this force is extremely powerful, and it will only grow over the coming decade.
We cannot stress enough the importance of staying ahead of the coming changes.
This is too important for you to miss.
It’s too valuable for you to sit on the sidelines.
As far as we know, no other research advisory is staying up to date with new exponential growth stocks as we are. . .
And recommending the new Teslas, Microsofts, and Amazons, instead of the old ones.
And what we want to give you is nothing like everyone is offering.
What we’re offering is a one-stop solution.
Access to all of the information you have seen in this presentation and a powerful tool in the form of a model portfolio . . .
Telling you where the bargain is, when to hold, when to sell and buy, and what the advantage is.
There is literally no thinking necessary.
All you need to do is receive the emails, build your portfolio immediately, and be alert to ride the exponential growth of technology.
One new subscriber, Julian G., even told us:
I can’t believe I never grasped this concept before. I was beginning to believe playing the market was a waste of time till I got this information from Exponential Growth Investor. Now, I’m moving my entire investment portfolio into their stocks. It’s just too good to miss out on!
We’re sure with this information you can protect yourself and your family . . .
When you become a member of Exponential Growth Investor today, here’s everything you’ll get along with our 12 monthly issues:
That’s 12 monthly issues of Exponential Growth Investor along with 5 special investor reports.
This is our premier publication where we’ll keep you to date on everything going on in new technologies and the stock market.
Each month, we will email you a new edition of my Exponential Growth Investor advisory letter with at least one new investment opportunity.
INVESTOR REPORT #1: The Titans of Exponential Growth: 3 Must-Own Stocks to BUY
INVESTOR REPORT #2: The User Effect: A Paradigm for Wealth-Creation
We’ll send you Weekly Updates every Friday, analyzing upcoming moves in the market.
It’s everything you need to know to stay ahead and it’s sent directly to your email inbox.
Plus, if urgent market or stock news breaks, or it’s time to collect profits, we’ll email you to explain what’s happening and what it means for your Exponential Growth Investor recommendations.
And that’s just the start . . .
We’ll also send you my must-see report detailing the companies being disrupted by the new, technological innovators.
Today, there are many toxic stocks in so many people’s portfolios based on outdated business models and large sums of debt.
These of course are being disrupted by technological start-ups.
We urge you not to hold these stocks in your portfolio, any longer.
Our investor report Wealth Slayers: 9 Toxic Stocks to Sell Today will tell you about the firms we believe will underperform in the next few years . . .
Or worse, will declare bankruptcy.
So how do you start?
Well, before you sign up . . .
Along with everything we’ve mentioned so far, we’d also like to send you one more investor investment report we’ve just put the finishing touches on.
It’s called Driverless Uprising: The #1 AI Investment.
This was one of the big new tech disrupters we were mentioning earlier.
After years of relatively modest advancement, driverless cars are now making their way to “lift-off” stage.
In this investor report you’ll discover the one innovative company that we think is the #1 AI investment you can make.
We’ll also send you our report on how to help you try to come out on the right side of the 5G revolution, called Cashing in on 5G: The Digital Revolution.
The new and faster 5G network is set to replace the 4G network to the tune of billions of dollars . . .
Operating on the internet cloud, it has 100x better capacity and is 400x faster than the blink of an eye.
The time to get in is now, though, as 5G will not be fully rolled out until the 2030s.
5G will also impact multiple new industries. Driverless cars for example rely on a continuous stream of data . . .
The quicker that info is delivered the better and safer they can run . . .
And that’s just one examples of how the 5G network provides a connective tissue for the internet of things.
An industry set to grow threefold by 2025 linking and controlling robots, medical devices and agricultural machines . . .
Demand for these cutting-edge technologies will surge over the next couple of years.
Artificial Intelligence as an industry is still starting.
And what will happen is incredible…
This is why we created a separate report dedicated solely to cashing in on 5G.
You’ll get the full details in Cashing in on 5G: The Digital Revolution.
These reports will be among the first things you receive (in a matter of minutes) when you try a no-risk subscription to Exponential Growth Investor.
How much does it cost?
Well, we’ll be honest…
Under normal circumstances, access to experienced traders isn’t cheap.
Lots of investment firms won’t take on new clients worth less than $2 million.
And we’ve charged seen some money managers charge up to $100,000 per year for the SAME quality research we want to share with you today.
And they paid it with no questions asked.
But as we’ve shown you, we are NOT living in normal times. America is going through massive changes.
We want everyone in America to have access to this information…
So that you can profit and make both smart and safe investments as the Great Divide 2.0 progresses.
This is why, for a limited time, we’re giving away everything mentioned here for the absurdly low rate of just $49 per year.
That’s right, for about $4 per month, or the cost of a small fast-food meal, you’re getting information easily worth a thousand times that…
We’ve made the service as least expensive and most accessible as we can.
We know there are a lot of people out there who think spending money on information and tools to help them is crazy.
The ones who think you can get everything for free.
For those people, we want to say. If you don’t see the opportunity to earn a lot of money with Exponential Growth Investor over the next 30 days, then we’d rather you not have to pay.
That’s our guarantee.
If you are not happy with your decision to subscribe with us for any reason we want to give you a full refund—and you can also keep everything you’ve received.
We’re not trying to pull one over on you. If you think you’re better informed somewhere else . . .
Don’t pay.
We’re happy to part as friends and return ALL of your subscription fees. We don’t know of another business, anywhere, that offers a better guarantee. That’s because we know our research is good.
Also, if you’re not happy tell us. We’re not asking for a big commitment . . .
It’s no commitment at all, simply TRY our research and decide if it’s right for you.
If you don’t agree that this research has helped you, ask for a full refund immediately and receive it during your first 30 days.
To start now and get everything we’ve shown you today in detail simply click the “Subscribe Now” button at the bottom of the page.
By doing so, you will be able to review everything before you submit your order on our secure order form.
Thank you for your time.
We hope you understand the importance of this opportunity.
We really believe the future of America depends on it.
We hope you can join those who are acting instead of fearing for their own well-being.
Thanks for watching today.
We’re Exponential Growth Investor.